Social media platforms are forever changing the image sizes and formats, so to keep you all updated I have re-created the 2015 social media image sizes cheat sheet and updated it to 2016.
It’s so important for your personal brand and business’ social profiles to get your social images optimized with the right image sizes. This helps you to stand out from the crowd, and boy is it crowded on these platforms!. From Facebook and Tumblr to Instagram andTwitter image sizes, I have created the complete guide for you, right here in one easy to read infographic!The need for strong social media presence has soared in 2015 and will only increase in prominence in 2016. This is why you really need to keep up to speed with your business / brand / personal profiles, and to optimize them with the right images to represent you!
“The 2016 Social Media Image Sizes Guide” below explains to you what the best image sizes are for each social network and the image types to use. Every major social media platform is listed on here so you’re up-to-date with social media platform optimization.
Also this graphic displays specific dimensions and we have also added some very quick tips and insights to help you make your mind up on what photo to use in what platform.