You’ve heard about Millennials and Baby Boomers, but Generation Z is the next rising group of consumers. Born with technology at their fingertips, this group of young teens possess a unique dynamic. There have been technological advancements with internet speed, smartphones, and apps that other earlier generations learned and adopted over time. Gen Z, however, was born with these advancements already integrated into their lives, making them digital natives.
If you plan on marketing to Generation Z, you’ll need to know who they are, and which promotional products will have the biggest impact. Get the inside scoop on this demographic to help you pick the giveaways these teens are sure to rave over!
Who is Generation Z?
Generation Z consists of individuals born between 1995 and the mid-2000’s. The exact cutoff year for this generation is not determined, however, it is estimated that the age range of Gen Z is 7 to 22-years old.
By 2020, Generation Z will make up 40% of all consumers, meaning they are a group that cannot be overlooked. Social media and WiFi have been integrated into their lives from a very young age. They can quickly adopt new technology, have several platforms at their disposal, and are constantly searching for new apps and technology. They are a fairly independent generation, using technology to solve problems, learn new things, and connect with their friends.

Here are the promotional products that will appeal to Gen Zers.
Mobile Device Accessories
The first iPhone launched in 2007, and during that time the oldest members of Gen Z were only around 10-years-old. This means that this generation literally grew up with smartphones.
Did You Know? The average member of Generation Z spends 15.4 hours a week on their devices.
Handing out smartphone accessories with your business’ name will certainly be put to good use. 31% of Gen Zers don’t feel comfortable without having their phone for 30 minutes or less. Since this generation must always be connected, market your business with items like cell phone wallets, PopSockets™, or attachable camera lenses that will give your brand constant exposure.

Smart Technology
We know Gen Z is the most connected generation yet, so technology promotional products are a surefire way to attract their attention. Having the latest technology is often a status symbol, and for a generation that values having the coolest new item, this marketing idea is a no-brainer.
Did You Know? 60% of Generation Z would prefer a cool product over a cool experience.
Use unique technology giveaways as an incentive to attract them to your business. Offer freebies like Bluetooth headphones, wireless chargers, and speakers at your next event to attract young teens and potential consumers!
Cooking Utensils
Generation Z is highly independent, meaning they tend to make decisions for themselves, which includes what snacks and meals they eat. A recent study found that 7 out of 10 Gen Zers have “total control” over what snacks they eat. With resources such as YouTube, cooking tutorials and recipes are easily accessible. Eating alone is also another trend that is seen amongst Gen Z, because it is “a new way of eating that can be customized and personalized and is often an occasion looked forward to,” according to SmartBrief.
Did you Know? 7 out of 10 Gen Zers have “total control” over what snacks they eat.
Due to their autonomy in the kitchen, branded cooking SWAG make excellent promotional items for Geneneration Z. These can be items like measuring cups, cutting boards or Tupperware with your brand or logo. Encourage teens to branch out in the kitchen and create something totally Instagram-worthy!

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Eco-Friendly Products
More teens are choosing to go-green than ever before and companies are adapting to this by providing more eco-friendly alternatives. Ramp up your marketing efforts with eco-friendly promotional items for Gen Zers.
Did You Know? 76% of Geneneration Z are concerned about humanity’s impact on the planet.
Studies show that 60% of Generation Z want to change the world, and what better way to spark change than by saving the environment! From tote bags to water bottles and pens, there are plenty of environmentally-friendly items you can use to promote your business.
Planners and Calendars
Gen Z is a group of motivated teens who are excited about their future. In fact, 72% of high school students want to start a business someday. Planners are a trendy item that they are highly likely to utilize to keep track of their school, athletic, and social schedules. The personalization of planners keeps them more popular than generic smartphone calendars.
Did You Know? Sales and use of planners increased by 10% between 2014 and 2016.
When shopping, 67% of the generation thinks fashionable design matters. Take this into account when designing your custom planners and calendars. Think outside of the box and get creative with your colors, patterns, and lettering.
Whether Generation Z is your primary audience or an untapped market, it is important to know what this demographic is interested in. Get started on your next marketing campaign with giveaways Gen Z is sure to rave about and get your brand noticed!

Dimock, Daniel. (2019, January 17). Defining Generations: Where Millenials end and Generation Z begins. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
Demeritt, Laurie. (2019, May 15). Teens in the kitchen: Gen Z’s independence in food and cooking choices. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
Kleinschmit, Matt. (2019, April 27). Generation Z Characteristics: 5 Infographics on the Gen Z Lifestyle. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
Claveria, Kelvin. (2019, April 24). Generation Z Statistics: New Report on the Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors od the Post-Millennials. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
Lane, Sylvan. (2014, August 20). Beyond Millennials: How to Reach Generation Z. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
UNiDAYS. (2018). Evert Gen Z stat you could ever ask for, right at your fingertips. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from
Mele, Christopher. (2016, December 29). Paper Calendars Endure Despite the Digital Age. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from